It's only until the end of day do we realised that it's the 17th today. Random much, hence the activity for today was Movie Marathon! Watched Prince of Persia and Nightmare of elm street (like finally someone willing to watch with me) today. Both are awesome show I swear. And speaking of nightmare, I just had one this morning which explains my wallpost "We should not take peace for grunted". Bloody nightmare, killings everywhere in Sg. May I have sweetdreams tonight please!
As usual, the whole week was spent working working and working. How BORING! Oh yeah, my bridging class had started. Re-learned Algebra, expansion factorization and logarithms. Again BORING! So when everyone else is listening attentive in class and doing their work diligently, iPhone is my best companion. Facebooking, ebuddying and games thank god. I mean I did not bring my notes (yeah I have not even print my notes) and I learned these when I'm in Secondary 1, as if it's something new. And I'm drained from work can. I'll pay more attention when I attend my econs class next week, ya right.
Work and school aside, weekend is definitely partay time! Met up with team mates on Friday at town after work. Dinner at Crystal Jade Kitchen, followed by dessert at Macs, and some shopping before our midnight movie starts. I bet, Ashton Kutcher is the reason that is keeping me awake at such wee hours. Charming, handsome face, hot bod and everything else. Oh wait, I'm just stating the fact HAHA!
I think I am crazy to be blogging at this hour, time check 2.00am, when I'm working at 7am tomorrow. For the whole week in fact, I'm schedule for the 7am to 4.30pm shift. And badminton after work with the girls tomorrow. I'd better go to bed now if I am still in the right mind. Oh god, it's another week again.